Create Your Own Gingerbread House With A Pre Assembled Kit

PreBaked Gingerbread House Kit Wilton
PreBaked Gingerbread House Kit Wilton from


One pre assembled gingerbread house kit will include all the components needed to create a gingerbread house. The key components of the kit will consist of a gingerbread house template, royal icing and candy decorations. Depending on the kit, the candy decorations may also vary. Generally, the kit will include candy canes, peppermint candies, colored candies, and other festive treats. These can easily be replaced with your own favorite decorations, such as chocolates, gummy bears, and marshmallows. If you choose to use your own decorations, you will also need to have icing bags and tips or a pastry bag to pipe the icing.


To assemble your gingerbread house, start by laying out all the pieces of the gingerbread house template. Make sure to read the instructions included in the kit carefully. If you prefer, you can make your own gingerbread house template. This will allow you to be creative and customize the design of your gingerbread house. Next, use a knife or scissors to cut out the pieces of the template. Then, assemble the gingerbread pieces on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Once the pieces are assembled, you can begin decorating your gingerbread house. Use the royal icing included in the kit to adhere the pieces of the gingerbread house together. To give your gingerbread house a nice finish, you can use a pastry bag to pipe the icing around the edges. You can also use the icing to attach the candy decorations to the gingerbread house. Make sure to use the candy decorations included in the kit or your own favorite treats. When you are done decorating, let the gingerbread house sit for a few hours to allow the icing to set.


Gingerbread houses are not the healthiest of treats, but they can be enjoyed in moderation. The nutritional value of a gingerbread house will depend on the type of candy and icing used. Generally, the average gingerbread house will contain about 200-400 calories per serving. The majority of the calories will come from carbohydrates, with a small amount of fat and protein. Gingerbread houses are also high in sugar, so it is important to enjoy them in moderation.

For a healthier version of a gingerbread house, you can opt for a gluten-free gingerbread house template. You can also use healthier candy decorations, such as dark chocolate, nuts, and dried fruits. Or, you can make your own icing using natural ingredients, such as honey and coconut oil. By making a few simple swaps, you can create a healthier version of a gingerbread house that is still just as delicious.


Gingerbread houses are a great way to get creative and have fun during the holiday season. With a pre assembled gingerbread house kit, you can easily create your own festive treat in no time. Whether you choose to use the kit as is or customize it with your own decorations, the possibilities are endless. So, grab a pre assembled gingerbread house kit and get started on your own festive creation.
