Making The Perfect Pancake For 6 Month Olds

Blueberry + Chia Pancakes Baby Led Weaning Ideas
Blueberry + Chia Pancakes Baby Led Weaning Ideas from
A traditional pancake is a tasty treat for everyone, but making a pancake for a 6 month old can be a tricky business. Not only do you have to make sure that the ingredients are suitable for their age, but you also have to make sure that it’s easy for them to eat. Here’s how you can make a perfect pancake for your 6 month old.


Making a pancake for a 6 month old is slightly different to making one for an older person. You will need:
  • ½ cup of wholewheat flour
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 2 teaspoon of honey
  • Pinch of cinnamon
These ingredients are all suitable for 6 month olds, and you don’t need to worry about their digestive system.


Making the pancake itself is a relatively straightforward process. Start off by melting the butter in a frying pan over a moderate heat, and then add the almond milk. In a separate bowl, add the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and honey together and mix them together. Once they’re blended together, slowly add the mix to the almond milk and butter, stirring constantly. Once the mix is blended together and is a smooth consistency, turn the heat up to high and make sure the mix is bubbling. Turn the heat down to low, and pour the mix into the frying pan. You should do this using a ladle or spoon, and make sure the mix is spread evenly. Once the pancake is bubbling, turn the heat down to low and leave it to cook for a few minutes. Once you can see that the sides are cooking, turn the pancake over. Do this carefully and make sure the pancake is cooked on both sides. Once it’s ready, take the pancake out of the pan and serve it up. You can either serve it up as it is, or cut it into small pieces so that it’s easier for your 6 month old to eat.


The ingredients used in this pancake are all suitable for 6 month olds, and the pancake itself is relatively healthy. It’s filled with wholewheat flour, which is packed with fibre, and the honey and cinnamon add a sweet taste. The almond milk is also packed with goodness, meaning that your 6 month old will benefit from the pancake. The pancake is a great way to introduce your 6 month old to sweet treats, and it’s a great way to get them used to different tastes and textures. It’s also relatively easy to make, meaning that you don’t have to spend too much time in the kitchen making it.

Serving Suggestions

The pancake can be served as it is, or it can be cut into small pieces and served with a selection of fruit. Bananas, strawberries, and blueberries are all suitable for 6 month olds, and they can be cut into small pieces and added to the pancake. You can also serve the pancake with some yoghurt or even some peanut butter. The yoghurt can be blended with some berries to make it sweeter and more appealing for your 6 month old, and the peanut butter is a great source of protein and can help to fill them up.


Making a pancake for a 6 month old is relatively easy and straightforward, and it’s a great way to introduce them to different flavours. The ingredients used in this recipe are all suitable for their age, and the pancake itself is relatively healthy. It can be served as it is, or it can be cut into small pieces and served with a selection of fruits and yoghurt. Making the perfect pancake for your 6 month old is easy, and it’s a great way to get them used to different tastes and textures. Whether you’re making it for breakfast or a snack, it’s sure to be a hit with your little one.
